About Easy Greeting

About Us

At Easy Greeting, our mission is to brighten a corner of the world by sending inspiring messages, beautiful watercolor paintings of nature, and personal messages. Tammy and Brittney are a mother and daughter who desire to use their passion for art to share the beauty of creation and the words of life, hope, and comfort from the inspired Word of God. It is our hope that these cards will uplift the heavy hearted, refresh the soul, and inspire one to seek the abundant life that God has freely given to all who receive him.

“Brighten your corner of the world!”

Our Story

Tammy and Brittney Bearly have always had a passion for art. This passion was passed on from their mother and grandmother, Carolyn Taylor, who gave them art lessons at an early age.

Paint palletTammy loved drawing as a kid but got busy with a family and her art fell dormant for 26 years. One day, a friend was having a garage sale to raise money to help pay someone’s cancer bills. Inspiration struck her, “What if I painted a watercolor picture and made it into cards. I could bundle them with ribbon and put them in the sale.” But watercolor was not something she was familiar with. With shaky hands and quaking heart she began with a prayer, “O Lord guide my hands and use this to bless others.” The painting turned out perfectly! She starred at it in wonder knowing that the Holy Spirit had helped to inspired it. Tammy loves animals and nature. She is particularly fond of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado where she lives. She homeschooled her two children who are now grown. Watercolor has become her favorite medium.

Brittney started drawing horses when she was 3. She has become very proficient at drawing them. She started taking English riding lessons at a barn close to our house when she was 6. The logo on this site is in honor of this love of horses. Brittney loves animals and her favorite pet was a bunny named Patches. Brittney graduated with a degree in Graphic Design and started her own business called Elegance Graphic Design. Watercolor and watercolor pencil have become her favorite medium.

Giving Back

The owners at Easy Greeting desire to give back to their community and help those less fortunate. They volunteer in their community youth program at The Amp. Each Christmas, they give to Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes. Another way they give is by sponsoring children in third world countries to help provide medical, food, and education through Compassion International and World Vision. In addition they have used funds raised at a craft fair to purchase a goat and chickens through Compassion International to provide income and food for families in a third world country.

Giving Thanks

Finally, Easy Greeting would like to thank our artists, poets, and musicians! Because this site would not be the inspiration it is without you, we say thank you from the bottom of our heart.

Firstly, thanks to our artists: Brittney Bearly, Carolyn Taylor, and Tammy Bearly

Secondly, thanks to our poets: Tamara Faour, Tammy and Brittney Bearly.

Thirdly, thanks to our musicians: Brittney Bearly played some of the piano pieces.

Lastly, thanks to our web designer: Tammy Bearly

We hope you enjoy our eCards!
Tammy and Brittney