Aspen Meadow
The Story Behind The Painting

Aspen Meadow

Strolling through a Rocky Mountain meadow in early July you may happen to find one of these beautiful Rocky Mountain Columbines. This is the official State Flower of Colorado. The flower’s lavender-blue petals represent the sky, the white represents snow, and the gold Colorado’s gold mining history. Columbines love shade and may be found at the base of a tree like the Aspen in this painting. This was the first watercolor I painted. I painted it to help raise money to pay off a friend’s cancer bills. It ended up starting this dream to brighten peoples lives with this e-card website.

Each stand of Aspen shares the same root structure. A whole hillside can be one single living organism! The bark contains a pain reliever that the elk like to chew when they are calving. In these dark times we should try to keep in touch with our friends and family and let them know how much we care and support them.

Brighten someone’s day with one of these custom watercolor cards.